EN Englisch Wörterbuch 93001 bis 93050
- Puttering About in a Small Land
- Pool of London
- past compare
- past comparison
- past recovery
- past praying for
- past redemption
- Proto-Deuteronomy
- powdered uranium
- primitive Christianity
- primal experience
- primal family
- primary colour
- Prehistory of the Germanic and Roman Peoples
- primal group
- primitive insect
- primitive insects
- primal instinct
- person on leave
- primal libido
- primeval man
- protohuman
- primal scream therapy
- primitive segment
- primal scene
- passing of judgement
- passing of judgment
- pronouncement of judgement
- primal father
- primal crime
- primal repression
- primal being
- primary elector
- policy towards USA
- pale-legged leaf warbler
- paraphernelia
- pc : per cent
- per thousand
- powdered vanadium
- Prinzmetal's angina
- Pacinian corpuscles
- patriotic song
- Paternoster