EN Englisch Wörterbuch 84001 bis 84050
- piddler
- pilomatricoma
- pilomatrical carcinoma
- pilomatrix carcinoma
- pilomatrixoma
- pilomotor nerve fiber , , PNF
- pilomotor nerve fibre , , PNF
- pilomotor nerve fibers , , PNF
- pilomotor nerve fibres , , PNF
- pilonidal cyst
- pilonidal sinus disease
- PILOT : Programmed Inquiry, Language Or Teaching
- pilot bur
- pilot burr
- pilot's glasses
- pilot's spectacles
- pilot glasses
- pilot specs
- pilot spectacles
- pilot's goggles
- pilot goggles
- pilot shirt
- pilot case
- pilots' strike
- pilot episode
- pilot test
- pilocytic astrocytoma
- Plzen
- pilsener
- pilum
- plug nozzle
- pedestal rock
- pleasing fungus beetle
- pimaric acids
- pimecrolimus
- pimelic acid
- Pimlico
- Pimp: The Story of My Life
- Pin
- Pin: A Plastic Nightmare