EN Englisch Wörterbuch 81351 bis 81400
- paulkellerite
- Pauline year
- Pausa-Muehltroff
- Pausa-Mühltroff
- package tourism
- package tourist
- package tourists
- package holiday-maker
- package holidaymaker
- package holidaymakers
- playground clock
- proportional assist ventilation , PAV
- Pavlik harness
- PAWA Dominicana : Pan Am World Airways Dominicana
- Pavlograd
- Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth
- Paycheck
- Payr's sign
- Pacific Islander
- Pacific coast
- Pacific seaboard
- Pacific shore
- Pacific route
- Pacific cupped oyster
- Pacific barracuda
- Pacific angel shark
- pelagic thresher
- Pacific golden plover
- Pacific herring
- Pacific krill
- Pacific sharpnose shark
- Pacific blue-eye
- pazopanib
- PByte, Pbyte, PB
- PC-based
- PC electronics
- PC case
- PC muscle
- PC repair
- PC game
- personal computer game
- PC keyboard
- PC desk