EN Englisch Wörterbuch 78551 bis 78600
- polyphase transformer
- price supplement
- polyprotic
- polyprotic acid
- polyglotism
- Pepote
- Patrimony. A True Story
- polling institute, opinion research institute
- public-opinion poll
- Please Don't Eat the Daisies
- pignose puffer
- Pha Pheng Falls Falls
- porphyric melaphyre
- pencil 'stache
- pencil moustache
- pencil mustache
- People of the Po Valley
- People on Sunday
- peepz
- Philanthropy
- premenstrual tension, PMT
- pre-menstrual syndrome , PMS
- premenstrual syndrome , PMS
- period pains
- poor in mercaptans
- pigeon-hawk
- pilot wire
- Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperor
- Pettis measurability theorem
- Pettis' measurability theorem
- pilot brush
- putty scraper
- parasitic error