EN Englisch Wörterbuch 60851 bis 60900
- Pull yourself together, will you!
- please sb.
- person killed in action
- pistons working in opposite directions
- phantasmic
- person non compos mentis
- parsimonious allocation of resources
- percarbonated
- pin ended
- pivot sth.
- pivot two components
- pledge sth. to sb.
- pursuant to sth.
- premeditate sth.
- play fast and loose with sth.
- play fast and loose with the truth
- play fast and loose with other people's lives
- pleasure-seeking
- paired with sth.
- puting straight
- period for initiating legal action
- play the expert
- pose as an expert
- pan-European
- prejudiced party
- past events
- present a united front against sth.
- parageusic
- plasticising
- proprietary name.
- proprietary data
- puffier
- puffiest
- prohibition by law
- prone to violence
- professionally engage in sth.
- persons who carry on the business of providing accommodation for animals
- profitable sell sth.
- prepare sth.