EN Englisch Wörterbuch 60701 bis 60750
- PC components, as we have seen, usually become obsolete within a few years.
- profit-related
- please the eye
- permeate sth.
- pervade sth.
- prove sth.
- Payment received with thanks.
- put sb. in mind of sth.
- pay for sth.
- Peace was finally bought, but at the cost of many lives.
- pronounce on sth.
- profess sth.
- profess little enthusiasm
- permit sb. sth.
- powered by sb.
- puts up
- present yourself
- pets that have been found wandering and no owner has come forward
- preempt sth.
- partially disabled
- paid back
- pays back
- peristerium
- people of your kind
- Politicians do not want to rock the boat on this issue.
- put tucks in sth.
- pedaling