EN Englisch Wörterbuch 58551 bis 58600
- panel board
- panel boards
- power distribution cabinet
- power distribution cabinets
- partition chromatography
- privity of contract
- party to a contract
- person in a position of trust
- persons in a position of trust
- peer mediator
- peer mediators
- protection of confidence
- protection of legitimate expectation
- positions of trust
- permanent representatives
- parent representatives
- permanent representation
- permanent representatives committee
- power of representation
- property in the debtor's custody
- possible use
- possible uses
- proof of use
- prohibition of use as evidence
- prohibition of exploitation
- Pardon me!
- partial waiver
- payment waive
- put in a disclaimer of sth.
- powers of veto
- pastoralist
- pastoralists
- power stroke
- progress to the quarterfinal round
- progress to the quarterfinals
- principle of international law
- perchery system
- perchery eggs
- popular revolt
- popular revolts
- public consultation
- popular education