EN Englisch Wörterbuch 53151 bis 53200
- Patent Offices
- Patent and Trademark Offices
- President of the Patent Office
- patent applications
- patent claims
- patent attorney's office
- patent attorney's clerk
- patent law clerk
- patent granting procedure
- patent granting procedures
- patent annuity
- Patents Act
- patentability
- patent holders
- patentees
- patent classification
- patent classifications
- patent licensing agreement
- patent licensing agreements
- patent register
- patent registers
- patent remedy
- patent specifications
- patent row
- patent dispute
- patent disputes
- patent certificate
- patent certificates
- patent infringements
- patent exploitation
- paternoster lift
- paternoster lifts
- paternosters
- pathologists
- pathovar
- play patience
- patient participation
- patient document
- patients' charter
- patients' right
- patients' rights
- patient safety
- patient survey
- patient surveys
- patients' association
- patients' associations