EN Englisch Wörterbuch 50351 bis 50400
- pastoral dog
- pastoral dogs
- pursue sth. as a hobby
- planing bench
- planing benches
- plane knife
- plane irons
- plane knives
- pitch of the cutting iron
- printing machine by relief engraving
- printing machines by relief engraving
- pressure washer
- pressure washers
- polish coating
- projected result
- policy on higher education
- power circuit breaker
- power circuit breakers
- power pylons
- probability analysis of flood records
- probability analyses of flood records
- pearl wedding anniversary
- peak revs
- peak stage
- peak stages
- Please show courtesy to the other guests and speak in hushed tones.
- polite form
- pay a courtesy visit to sb.
- phrase of courtesy
- phrases of civility
- phrases of courtesy
- potholers
- prince of hell
- person with hearing disabilities
- people with hearing disabilities
- put down the receiver
- paracusis
- Politzer's test
- power of hearing