EN Englisch Wörterbuch 25051 bis 25100
- of Libyan descent
- of Libyan origin
- of Libyan stock
- optical microscopy
- optical fibers
- optical fibres
- optical barrier
- optical sound
- optical sound recording
- optical sound recorder
- optical sound recording technique
- optical sound film
- optical motion-picture sound track
- optical sound track
- optical sound reproduction
- optical sound reproducer
- optical fiber waveguide
- optical waveguide , OWL
- optical fibre phase conductor
- optical fibre ground wire
- optical guided-wave technology
- obturating band
- Office Romance
- Only Two Can Play
- One Good Turn
- Oh Lucky Boy!
- object of love
- oath of love
- oaths of love
- ogle at
- Ode to Heavenly Joy
- orangeade bottle
- opening square bracket
- on the left wing
- overtake on the left
- oval portion
- opacity of the lens
- orolabial herpes
- orange lipstick