EN Englisch Wörterbuch 24001 bis 24050
- obligation to maintain secrecy
- One Small Step
- Once a Princess
- obeied
- obedience to authorities
- oblique cropper
- of unbalanced mind
- offset box end wrench
- offset box wrench
- offset ring wrench
- Omdurman scorpion
- obsessed with money
- opportunity to find out
- occasional poem
- occasional smoking
- opportunist terrorism
- occasional drinking
- occasional drinker
- off-the-road vehicle
- off-road bike
- old man's beard
- overhead absorption
- overhead allocation
- On the Double
- Ordnance Survey
- ordered environment
- of Georgian descent
- of Georgian origin
- of Georgian stock
- out lesbian
- odourlessness
- olfactophilia
- olfactory fetishism
- osmolagnia
- osphresiolagnia
- odor-free
- odour-free
- odor removal
- odour removal
- odor removal device
- odour removal device