EN Englisch Wörterbuch 19951 bis 20000
- on Sunday afternoon
- outlaw sth.
- oft-repeated
- on the eve of sth.
- on a dime
- of ... extraction
- of British extraction
- on the stump
- on the cusp of sth.
- on the lines of sth.
- oscillation system
- overshare
- outlet camshaft
- operational strategy
- operating strategy
- order value
- own contribution
- office of exit
- outline of sb.'s life
- obligatory data
- Observatory for Sociopolitical Developments in Europe
- on an interim basis
- operating error
- operating errors
- organising ability
- organisational skills
- organizing ability
- organizational skills
- one-hour
- opportunity for improvement
- objects of research
- ordering process
- opportunity for action
- opportunities for action
- output accounting