EN Englisch Wörterbuch 18501 bis 18550
- out of politeness
- operate at a deficit
- operate at maximum efficiency
- out of collar
- Our magazine will keep you up-to-date with fashion.
- obtrude oneself
- organise sth.
- Oh, give over complaining, we're nearly there.
- opened up
- open wide (eyes
- opening wide
- open sth. by blasting
- opening by blasting
- opened by blasting
- open a book
- order-driven
- obtrude one's opinion on sb.
- ocularly
- omniscent narrator
- outbrake sb.
- outbraking
- outbraked
- on the expenditure side
- outgas
- outgassed
- output {output, outputted
- output, outputted}
- outputted
- outlay sth. on sth. {outlaid
- outlaid}
- offbeat sense of humour
- outgone}
- offset {offset
- offset} sth.
- outsource sth.