EN Englisch Wörterbuch 18351 bis 18400
- ornate elements
- ornamental fish
- ornamental fishes
- ornamental garden
- ornamental gardens
- ornamental grass
- ornamental grasses
- ornamental horticulture
- ornamental shrubs
- ornamental pond
- ornamental ponds
- office-mate
- office-mates
- on Civvy Street
- one tenth inch
- official record of the customs treatment
- one-purpose breed
- owe sth. to chance
- our fullest satisfaction
- optional extras
- overlay sheet
- overlay sheets
- ordering back, summoning back, summons
- overload spring
- overload springs
- onlookers
- on the undertaking that ...
- ousting of a court's jurisdiction
- only with prior approval of ...
- obsessive-compulsivity
- obsessive thought
- obsessive thoughts
- obsessional neurosis
- obsessives
- obsessive-compulsive disorders
- order for judicial sale
- official receivers
- obsessive ideas
- optimized bidirectional printing
- onion thrip
- onion pie
- onion pattern
- onion ring
- onion gravy
- onion soup
- onion skin
- onion tower