EN Englisch Wörterbuch 17651 bis 17700
- optic nerve coloboma
- optic foramen
- optic papilla
- optic pit
- optic perineuritis
- optic chiasm, optic decussation
- optic chiasma tumour
- optic chiasma lesion
- optical angle
- optical angles
- optical test object
- optotype
- old boy's network
- Offers came from several quarters.
- on the nearside
- on the offside
- on an arm's length basis
- original costs
- offer security
- online crime map
- occlusion culling
- obstacle to visibility
- obstacles to visibility
- outside the range of vision
- oversize material
- open-hearth furnace
- open-hearth furnaces
- open-hearth steel-making process
- open-hearth steel
- out-of-band signalling
- oil-seal ring
- offices seating
- on soft feet
- On Sunday, he gave a recital of his own poems.
- overflow dam
- overflow dams