EN Englisch Wörterbuch 15001 bis 15050
- organic farmer
- organic farmers
- organic food label
- organic grocery store
- organic grocery stores
- organic produce
- organic products
- organic wine
- organic wines
- organic wine grower
- organic wine growers
- occlusial plane
- occlusial planes
- occlusial surface
- occlusial surfaces
- occlusial guide
- on request from the latter
- oxtongues
- oil of bitter almond
- out-of-pitch
- orchid cacti
- open annealing
- object-side pupil
- overnight success
- overnight successes
- over sand and mud bottoms
- overland flow
- on the stock exchange
- on the exchange
- opening of the stock exchange
- officially quoted price
- officially quoted prices
- official listing
- official quotation
- overplay your hand
- oil fields
- off-shore drilling