EN Englisch Wörterbuch 15651 bis 15700
- New World jays
- New World condors
- night herons
- Northern wheatear
- nightjars
- Northern potoo
- New Caledonian owlet-nightjar
- nudolize
- nickel ochre
- narrow crested anticline
- needle spar
- nodular structure
- number of employees
- non-conformable
- noble opal
- neoheline syenite
- nipping fork
- nourishment of the glacier
- normal of a surface
- natural dampness
- needle iron-stone
- narrow working
- nodular limestone
- nodulized
- nucleus of crystallization
- nucleuss of crystallization
- nodular graphite
- natural gas)
- nadorite
- near earthquake
- neighbouring earthquake
- Namurian
- nantokite
- nebulite
- Neocomian
- neosome
- nepheline syenite
- Neptunian theory
- neutron logging
- nickel-bloom
- niccolite
- North north-east
- North north-west
- North-east
- North-west
- norite