EN Englisch Wörterbuch 14601 bis 14650
- name names
- name and shame sb.
- name sb.
- narcotises
- narcissistically
- nasalized vowel
- nasaly
- nasogastric
- nasogastric tube feeding
- nasogenital
- nasolacrimal
- nascant
- Nazi period
- Naturally enough, they wanted to celebrate the occasion in style.
- naturally formed area of land
- natural in character
- nature-related
- naturally curly
- naturally frizzy
- nature-loving
- nautical depth
- next to the station
- negative definite
- negativistic
- not to mind sth.
- not minding
- not minded
- nectrotizing
- nektonic
- nectonic
- neo-baroque
- neo-colonial
- Neo-Malthusian
- neonatal infections
- neonatal feeding
- neo-Nazi
- neo-Platonic
- neo-realist
- nephrotic