EN Englisch Wörterbuch 13751 bis 13800
- narcotics detection dog
- non-nutritive sweetening agent
- non-nutritive sweetener, non-caloric sweetener
- non-nutritive sweetening agents
- non-nutritive sweetener, non-caloric sweeteners
- nickel dip
- nickel flashing
- New World pond turtles
- New World marsh turtles
- normative scenario
- night money account
- night money accounts
- nine days' wonder
- narrow-waisted
- non-payment of a fuel bill
- noble fir
- needle fir
- Nikko fir
- Nordmann fir
- night rate
- night-time rate
- non-latching key
- non-fiction novel
- non-fiction novels
- No goods exchanged!
- number of participants
- narco-terrorism
- network of terror
- networks of terror
- Neapolitan sixth chord
- nuncupate will
- No subject for discussion is barred.
- number of animals
- news of sb.'s death
- note pitch
- note pitches
- netminders
- near post
- necrolatry
- non-cutting time
- non yet accepted bill
- nuptial Mass