EN Englisch Wörterbuch 13451 bis 13500
- No offence meant.
- notifications of loses
- notifications of claim
- notification of loss
- notice of claim
- noxious weed
- noxious weeds
- noxious substances
- noise control system
- nickings
- non-interest treasury bond
- necromimesis
- necromimeses
- Nootka cypress
- Nootka cedar
- non-wire-wound potentiometer
- non-wire-wound potentiometers
- negative skewness
- negative skew
- negatively skewed
- neurogenic torticollis
- navigation dues
- navigation agreement
- navigation agreements
- navigation route
- navigation routes
- navigation treaty
- navigation treaties
- nautical signal
- nautical signals
- naval architect
- naval architects
- naval construction
- naval architecture
- naval route
- naval routes
- Norfolk reed
- not to have the foggiest idea
- narcoleptic attack