EN Englisch Wörterbuch 48851 bis 48900
- manual high-lift truck
- manual emergency override
- mand spray lance
- manual toothbrush
- manual drive gear
- manual-labour
- manual workmanship
- manual-labourer
- manual tripping
- movement of the hand
- Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
- manual brush
- merchant class
- mercantile ...
- mercantile bank
- mercantile banker
- merchandise balance of trade
- merchant flag
- mercantile fleet
- mercantile marine fleet
- merchant fleet
- merchant capitalism
- market grade
- mercantile credit
- mercantile broker
- mercantile marine
- merchandise mark
- minister of commerce
- ministry of commerce
- Merchant Shipping Act , MSA
- merchant shipbuilding
- merchant tonnage
- merchant raider
- merchantable quality
- merchantable ...
- manual-skill
- more stalwart