EN Englisch Wörterbuch 42001 bis 42050
- meters of
- much-maligned
- majorly
- marketisation
- marketization
- mention sth. in passing
- make waves
- multinational enterprise
- molecular diffusion
- major impediment
- main impediment
- maiden speech
- marvel at sth.
- maintain sth.
- Maldivan
- Maldivians
- Maldivans
- means of violence
- marketing-oriented
- make (profit
- money)
- modernist ~ modernism
- marshal sth.
- move to pastures new
- moot sth.
- manhole pit
- medrese
- marked-economy
- mounting angle
- mounting angles
- make a claim
- Montezuma's Revenge
- minute cycle
- make an overture
- mount the kerb
- mount the curb
- make a fast buck