EN Englisch Wörterbuch 56151 bis 56200
- meson shower
- meson multiplet
- meson resonance
- meson track
- meson theory
- meson cloud
- mesopause
- mesoridazine
- mesosiderite
- mesoscopic physics
- mesosociology
- mesothelioma research
- mesothelioma therapy
- mesothelioma treatment
- mesothelioma diagnosis
- mesothelioma diagnostics
- mesothelioma registry
- meso tartaric acid
- mesoeconomics
- Mesquite
- measuring and folding machine
- measuring and rolling machine
- metering voltage
- Mass stipend
- measuring axis
- measuring and valve control system
- Message in a Bottle
- message theory
- Messalina, Empress of Rome
- measuring anvil
- measuring plug
- measuring assembly
- measuring set-up
- measurement output