EN Englisch Wörterbuch 51751 bis 51800
- magazine loom
- Magboi viruses , MGBV
- Magboi virus , MGBV
- Magdalena, Possessed by the Devil
- Magdalena rat
- Magdeburg Central Station
- Magdeburg ...
- man from Magdeburg
- Magellanic Cloud
- Magellanic oystercatcher
- Magellanic flightless steamer duck
- Magellanic penguin
- Magellanic plover
- Magellanic woodpecker
- Magellanic diving petrel
- Magellanic ...
- Magellanic Strait
- magenblase
- mucosal inflammation of the stomach
- mesogaster
- mesogastrium
- mucosa of stomach
- mucous membrane of stomach
- magenstrasse
- meagre lime
- moon daisies
- Maccas
- Mickey D