EN Englisch Wörterbuch 44951 bis 45000
- leadtime
- leading dancer
- leader of the dance
- law of signs
- language of the people
- like a father
- lose all self-control
- lost wax casting process
- lost-wax casting process
- lost wax technique
- lost wax casting method
- lost-wax casting method
- layer of wax
- land-rail
- Louisiana Gal
- Lake Waging
- list of candidates
- likely story
- likely steps
- likelihood ratio
- Lord Howe Island rail
- Lord Howe rail
- lasting pincer
- lasting pincers
- lasting pliers
- linear induction motor
- large saw-tailed bush cricket
- large saw-tailed bush-cricket
- lady from Warsaw
- low maintenance
- laundering temperature
- Lady Washington lily
- lady from Washington
- lake bloom
- leakproof joint
- leachate build-up
- limber hole
- level differential sensing device
- level sensing device