EN Englisch Wörterbuch 42601 bis 42650
- little pussy
- levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
- levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
- levator scapulae muscle
- lover of music
- leisure hour
- leisure hours
- line of samples
- look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
- ligament of uterus
- Like Mother
- lip of the cervix
- lips of the cervix
- leadscrew nut
- lady from Muenster
- lady from Münster
- leisure class
- like a mother
- Last House - Part II
- Last Stop on the Night Train
- Late Night Trains
- Love by Rape
- local girl
- little maggot
- lesser periwinkle
- league of female students
- list of deficiencies
- Lovely to Look At
- lad's magazine
- little coat
- land of fairy tales
- lukewarm applause
- little mouse
- like a monk
- look for applause