EN Englisch Wörterbuch 35951 bis 36000
- lime mica
- lime-pit
- limepit
- limey clay
- limestone dust
- limy bile
- lime-sand brick
- lime sandstone
- lime-sand brick wall
- limestone powder
- limestone weathering
- limestone desert
- lime nitrogen
- lime burn
- lime burning plant
- lime plant
- large flying fox
- large fruit bat
- low-caloric
- Low Pressure
- long warm dress
- lord in waiting
- levy for the maintenance of the Imperial High Court
- live in a temporary residence
- lava mouse
- Louis L'Amour's Shaughnessy the Iron Marshal
- lawn edge trimmer
- lawn edger
- log-squaring saw
- Levaillant's parrot
- lesser swamp warbler
- load planning
- lump sum on death
- lapped seam
- laceration of the capsule
- lobster clasp
- light being