EN Englisch Wörterbuch 21601 bis 21650
- low-loader carriage low-loader coach
- low-floor carriage
- lowmac coach
- low-loading car
- late Iron Age
- line cord
- line cords
- little rats
- letters of recommendation
- letters of reference
- letters of introduction
- limit switch bar
- limit stop switch
- limit stop switches
- limitedness
- last-stage blade
- last-stage blades
- last-stage blade ring
- last stop
- last stops
- Last stop. Please leave the train.
- late finish date
- low power requirements
- Limey
- longitudinal presentation
- limit of flammability
- lay-off notice
- letters of apology
- level of development
- levels of development
- lethal hereditary bullous epidermolysis
- land register for heritable building rights
- law of trusts
- law of succession
- legacy hunters
- lex successionis
- landslips