EN Englisch Wörterbuch 7951 bis 8000
- Klausen )
- kleptomanie
- keyboard stringed instrument
- Kleberg County
- kleberite
- Klechkovsky's rule
- Klechkowski rule
- Klechkowski's rule
- Kleebach
- Kleestrasse
- Kleestraße
- Klein and Wagner
- Klein-Fock-Gordon equation
- Klein-Gordon-Fock equation
- Klein-Waardenburg syndrome
- Kleine-Levin syndrome , KLS
- Kleines Wiesental
- Kleinmann-Low Nebula
- Kleiststrasse
- Kleiststraße
- Kleopatra
- kleptoparasitism
- kleptophilia
- kleptophobia
- Klerksdorp
- Klestadt's cyst
- Klevtsov reflecting telescope
- Klevtsov telescope
- Klimbim
- Klinefelter's syndrome
- knock down ginger
- Klingenberg on the Main
- Klingsor's Last Summer
- klinohumite
- Klio
- Klipphausen
- klipspringer