EN Englisch Wörterbuch 8701 bis 8750
- jewellery goods
- jewelry goods
- jewel wasp
- juxta-intestinal lymph nodes
- juxta-intestinal lymph node
- Juechen
- Jewish lady
- Jewish women
- Jewish culture
- Jewish men
- Jewish People's Party
- Jewish world conspiracy
- Jewish grave
- Jewish museum
- Juelich
- Jute
- Jueterbog
- Jungle Raiders
- Joehstadt
- jute-protected cable
- juniper tar oil
- jetty wall
- joint of veal
- Jubilee Trail
- Jet Alert
- Jet Attack
- jug of wine
- jacquard lacing machine
- judge on a court of appeal
- Just One Look
- juice press
- jet fuel fire
- jockey pulley
- jaw bone
- jaw surgery
- jaw fracture
- jaw disease
- jaw malposition