EN Englisch Wörterbuch 5701 bis 5750
- Japanese belladonna
- jet ejector pump
- jet ejector
- jet ejector pumps
- jet ejectors
- junk dealers
- jetliners
- jet stone
- jumpered
- junction poles
- junction curve on undulating track
- jar-ram rollover moulding machine
- jar-ram rollover moulding machines
- judicial estoppel
- Japan vellum
- joint faces
- junction cables
- jointing sleeves
- joints and fastenings
- joining means
- joint pipe
- joint pipes
- joggled butt joint
- joining technique
- judged on merit
- judicial settlement proceedings
- joyride {joyrode
- joyridden}
- judicial assignment of assets
- jumbo meeting
- Jona effect
- joint distribution
- job class
- job classes
- jus gentium
- James Watt was the perfecter and not the inventor of the steam engine.
- jig drilling machine
- jig drilling machines
- junipers
- J-shaped growth form
- jack rafter
- jack rafters
- jet boat