EN Englisch Wörterbuch 31001 bis 31050
- if all else fails
- I'll work from morning till night if need be.
- it is of use
- it was of use
- If you don't feel like it, just stop.
- It is just valid until April.
- I just wanted to get away from that place.
- I felt fine except for being a little tired.
- inframundane
- It is incumbent upon him ...
- it will fall to the courts to provide clarity.
- It is the responsibility of the Member States to enact appropriate statutory provisions pursuant to Article 15.
- I've never been to Peru, or to any South-American country for that matter.
- It is a big responsibility keeping dogs or any animals for that matter.
- I didn't like it much. Nor did the children, for that matter.
- in public matters
- in the absence of manifest error
- if it were not for
- I didn't want to go anyway.
- I don't feel like it anyway!
- I could kick myself!
- incision of the knee joint
- I'm sanguine that we shall succeed.
- indent on sb. for sth.
- I have wangled a free ticket.
- It looks very much like Easter.
- I do not trust him to keep a bargain.
- Investors pulled out their money and the market players reacted in panic.
- In parallel , we also run a web forum.
- initial sth.
- Initialled
- in para position
- in sudden attacks
- intra-party
- intra-party factionalism
- insist on doing sth.
- I'll have to pass on that one.
- I need a match for this yellow paint.
- It seems apropos to ask the question, is Labor Day an anachronism_
- in pellets
- in pendulum fashion
- It's me in the flesh.
- intimate atmosphere
- identifiable data
- in need of care
- in conformity with duty
- in breach of duty
- in phase
- If you come over all nostalgic, go for an ethnic meal.