EN Englisch Wörterbuch 30701 bis 30750
- I can focus my attention even with my eyes open.
- intercorporate
- intercompany participation
- intercompany financing
- intercompany transactions
- intercompany loss
- intercompany interest
- intra-group
- intra-group capital flows
- intra-group sales and purchases
- intra-group transactions
- intra-group holdings
- I'm going to make you eat your words.
- it costs
- it cost
- It costs a tidy bit .
- irrespective of the cost
- interbred}
- it goes through a crisis
- it went through a crisis
- I take a critical view of it.
- I watched over the children as they played in the garden.
- I won't concern myself about such details.
- I'm too busy to concern myself with your affairs.
- It is not necessary for us to concern ourselves with this point.
- increased by successive additions
- in the soon-to-be enlarged leisure park
- imitately
- impervious to bullets
- in brief, ...
- It would be too narrow an approach to reduce the phenomenon to figures.
- It's too bad you weren't able to come with us. You really missed out!
- If you don't act now you could miss out on a great opportunity.
- In the short term, it may be wiser to sacrifice profit in favour of turnover.
- I have been with a lumbago for months now.
- I've been toiling away at this essay all weekend.
- it is laughed at
- I load
- I look ridiculous in that outfit.
- is noisy
- It is impossible to give a percentage, as each case has different circumstances.
- inexpert handling
- inexpert treatment
- I ended up there.
- incredibly long