EN Englisch Wörterbuch 29751 bis 29800
- It's a matter of life and death.
- It's neck or nothing.
- I feel uneasy about it
- It is scary to me.
- I've always had a funny feeling about him.
- It's a funny place.
- it appertains
- it appertained
- It's not for him to do sth.
- It ill behoves you to act so rudely.
- It's all part of it.
- It is not done.
- I saw him right after the surgery, he was away with the fairies.
- in your right mind
- in possession of all your faculties
- intellectual ancestor
- intellectual ancestors
- intellectually stimulating
- is mean
- inkhorn
- inkhorn words
- It is common knowledge that ...
- It's a well-known fact that ....
- icteroid
- icterogenous
- in money's worth
- If he finds out you cheated, you're done for.
- it succeeds
- it succeeded
- it would succeed
- I succeeded in translating the sentences.
- innit
- it is valid
- it was valid
- It doesn't qualify as a surprise if everyone knew it was going to happen.
- It doesn't qualify as a date if you bring along friends.
- in pursuance
- in pursuance of his vocation
- I am entitled to this payment under my employment contract.
- I collaborated with him on numerous translation projects.
- It is common ground that ...
- I feel exactly the same.
- It's not that bad, after all!
- indulge too much
- I'm inclined to believe her.