EN Englisch Wörterbuch 29501 bis 29550
- I'm not getting on very fast with this essay.
- In the matter of LUX an order has been issued.
- issue a court order
- issue a summons
- I gripped the door handle and pulled as hard as I could.
- I gripped the rail and tried not to look down.
- I'm trying to fathom what ...
- I just can't fathom people who do such things.
- in best condition
- it increases
- it increased
- I'll need some time to recoup after my sickness.
- I can vaguely remember that ...
- I remember well what that felt like.
- I remember with horror the days when ...
- I can't remember him.
- I had to fight all the way for it.
- I had to fight tooth and nail for it.
- I was disconcerted to realize that ...
- I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded agitated.
- identification data
- identifying material
- Identification material was taken from him on two occasions.
- in need of an explanation
- It's too bad she cannot be with us to experience this.
- I never thought I'd live to see this day!
- I have some business to dispose of before we meet.
- irradiate an affair
- illume sb.
- it goes out
- it went out
- it would go out
- is terminated
- in need of redemption
- I am empowered to act on his behalf.
- investigatable
- investigate a case
- I felt renewed.
- I feel strongly about this.
- I hereby declare the conference officially open.
- I can be reached after 5 p.m.
- I can be contacted at home.
- In comparison to his previous satirical show, this one falls short.