EN Englisch Wörterbuch 28651 bis 28700
- If you like shopping, then this will make your day!
- inflatable pillow
- I maxed out my data.
- impose sth. on sb.
- impose a restriction on sb.
- impose on sb.
- impose a measure terminating residence
- imposed by foreign laws
- I give up.
- in full feathers
- I tried to get him talking, but he wasn't very responsive.
- I want to pick up on a point that you made about the inculcation of values.
- I've saved all his letters.
- I saved all his letters.
- I'm really cheered up from watching this film.
- incite sb. to sth.
- incite sb. to rebellion
- I took her for a nun and Robert said nothing to undeceive me.
- In the end, everything got cleared up.
- issue sth.
- I feel like my life is unraveling.
- include a player
- include sb. in one's will
- include sb. in one's prayers
- include a term in a dictionary
- Include me out.
- I was so tired I could barely rouse myself to prepare dinner.
- It's his arrogance that really irritates me.
- It irritates me when there are people talking on their mobile phone in the library.
- I'm irritated at myself for this.
- I devoutly hope she is telling the truth.
- It is a thing devoutly to be wished.
- inflammatory article
- inflammatory post
- inflammatory pamphlet
- incite sth.
- imbibe sth.
- impact on
- I'm sorry that I startled you.
- I don't think she was hurt. She was just putting it on.
- I'll save my compassion for those who really deserve it.