EN Englisch Wörterbuch 28051 bis 28100
- in the university neighbourhood
- in the hood
- Is there a skin doctor in the neighbourhood_
- indulgent living
- international residential property market
- in simple terms
- in vivid words
- I call on Mr. X to speak.
- I recognize Mr. X.
- I'm afraid you'll just have to take my word for it.
- I'm at a loss for words.
- It's difficult to get a word in edgeways with the mother.
- I wanted to explain it to her but I couldn't get a word in edgeways.
- I'll hold you to your word!
- In case of divergent interpretations of the German and English texts, the English text shall prevail.
- inflict a wound on sb.
- it's a marvel to me how ...
- if desired
- idle wish
- idle wishes
- inanimate bird shooting
- incomplete root penetration
- index of the root
- intraspecific root grafting
- intraxylary
- ice penitents
- indented ornament
- indented ornaments
- in negative numbers
- in minus numbers
- irregularly domicilied bill
- in-payment
- incoming payments
- instalment plans
- installment plans
- inability to pay
- interbank payment transactions
- I gritted my teeth and fought my way through.
- I brush my teeth.
- I am grinding my teeth in my sleep.
- inflammation of the periodontium
- inflamation of the gums
- inverted tooth chain
- inverted tooth chains
- inserted tenon
- It's lights out at 10 o'clock.
- I will cue you when it's your turn.
- interlace ratio