EN Englisch Wörterbuch 26901 bis 26950
- involved period
- involved periods
- It wouldn't do her any harm to get a bit more practice.
- in the event of damage
- insect pests
- indexing bolt
- indexing pin
- indexing bolts
- indexing pins
- indexed shifter
- intercalary years
- intercalary day
- intercalary days
- indexing tool holder
- indexing tool holders
- I feel shame for my lie.
- impudicity
- It's a shame!
- I'm ashamed to say I've never read anything by Donna Leon before.
- infamous actions
- innkeepers
- in swarms
- in the shadow
- interest-bearing treasury bond
- illustrated chart
- illustrated charts
- It's all surface.
- It's more illusion than reality.
- illusionism
- illusory boom
- imitation gauze
- inactive preparation
- inactive preparations
- impendance matching
- impendance match
- impendance measuring bridge
- impendance measuring bridges
- in the grand scheme of things
- I don't want to tempt fate.
- it was fated that ...
- interpretation of the award
- International Chamber of Commerce Council on Advertising Practice
- inland waterway traffic
- inland waterways court division
- interwoven screen