EN Englisch Wörterbuch 26851 bis 26900
- It has been a head scratcher for me.
- It's not my concern.
- It's no concern of mine.
- It's none of my concern.
- in the matter of whether ...
- issue competence
- in view of this new state of affairs
- insurance assessor
- insurance adjuster
- index of topics
- indexes of topics
- intrinsic value of shares
- Irish jig
- I'm having a baby.
- infant formula
- infant nutrition
- infant colic
- infantil colic
- infant colics
- infantil colics
- In this matter only the boss has the say.
- inflammation of the fallopian tubes
- Indian elk
- impregnated sand
- If the car breaks down, we'll be sunk.
- iron flower
- iron sandstone
- in need of rehabilitation
- It is just putting us off until Doomsday.
- inclined orbit satellite
- in the initial movement
- in the final movement
- inner core of oxygen
- inlet manifold air pressure sensor
- inlet manifold air pressure sensors
- intake manifold flap
- intake manifold flaps
- inlet manifold changing-over valve
- inlet manifold changing-over valves
- ID fan
- ID fans
- ID fan base
- I'll give him what for!
- interlocking construction
- intercompany shareholding
- intercorporate stockholding