EN Englisch Wörterbuch 26701 bis 26750
- invoice sth.
- I have to settle a score with him.
- invoice address
- invoice addresses
- invoice receipt
- invoicee
- invoicees
- invoice numbers
- invoice checking
- invoice issuer
- invoice issuers
- issuing an invoice
- in German law
- imperfect title
- interpose a demurrer
- interest protected by law
- It's not a case of him being right or wrong.
- in support of your own case
- in a legal text
- In continental Europe traffic drives on the right-hand side.
- infringement of a right
- infringement of community law
- It is being said that ...
- interrupt sb.'s flow
- in Unit 3.2.
- introductory presentation
- interbank rates
- indirectly controlled variable
- in pouring rain
- iridoconstrictor
- inversion of the iris
- iridentropium
- isohyetal map
- isohyetal maps
- intergovernmental conference
- intergovernmental conferences
- intergovernmental committee
- instrument rack
- instrument racks
- I felt a stir of anger.
- imperial orb
- imperial lien
- Imperial City
- imperial vicar
- implement tyre
- I had a blow-out on the driver's side.
- inner tubes