EN Englisch Wörterbuch 25951 bis 26000
- insurance for private hospital treatment
- I was on sick leave for two weeks.
- in ward
- insurance against long-term sickness and unemployment
- illness certificate
- illness certificates
- I had all the normal childhood illnesses.
- imaginative faculty
- I am a Cancer.
- increase a credit
- indirect parity
- I had pins and needles in my legs.
- insulation barrier
- In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.
- in the chaos of the war
- in time of war
- ice chests
- iceboxes
- I'm under notice to leave.
- inner dismissal
- inshore waters
- intercoastal tanker
- intercoastal tankers
- isotropic radiators
- Italian bowls
- independence in matters of education and culture
- icon wine
- icon wines
- if requested by the customer
- in the international art business
- imitation cheese
- in artificial light
- invented word
- invented words
- italicization
- irrational act
- irrational acts
- impedance voltage
- It's not something to laugh about.
- incline ramp
- incline ramps
- intercoolers