EN Englisch Wörterbuch 24701 bis 24750
- ice pellets
- It gives me the creeps when I think about it.
- in the climate change fora
- inhabitant of the border area
- If this limit is exceeded, ...
- interface boundary plane
- interface boundary planes
- interfacial energy
- interfacial surface tensions
- interfacial tensions
- interfacial angle
- inspection gauge
- illimitableness
- intrinsic viscosity
- influenza epidemics
- influenza immunization
- influenza immunisation
- influenza immunizations
- influenza immunisations
- influenza pandemics
- in a pique
- in a fit of pique
- industrial magnate
- Indian camel
- improved ventilation
- improved air supply
- inbye ventilation
- it is for this reason
- I see no reason why we shouldn't try it.
- inspection of the land register
- It is difficult to prove a causal relationship between a basic offence and an act of money laundering.
- intrinsic errors
- in these premises
- in consideration of the premises
- in the premises
- impermeable bed
- iridophores
- in-spec part
- intrinsic Q
- international road haulage
- inter marshalling-yard train
- inferior frontal gyrus
- inferior temporal gyrus
- I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I were you.
- International Arrest Warrant
- impeachment of waste