EN Englisch Wörterbuch 22901 bis 22950
- impositions
- in my reckoning
- in the final reckoning
- I responded with an open challenge to her to prove the opposite.
- invalidations
- invalidation of a patent
- incitement of sb.
- infrared reconnaissance
- IR reconnaissance
- information campaign
- information campaigns
- initiation ceremony
- initiation ceremonies
- impact detection
- impact outline
- impingement corrosion
- impingement attack
- impact protection
- impact sensor
- impact sensors
- impact tests
- impact angle
- impact angles
- impact zones
- installation on wall
- incitement to a holy war
- installation surface
- installation surfaces
- I'm in favour of a division into three blocks.
- independent contractor
- It was his first public appearance since the election.
- incidence of frost
- impingement rate
- initial outlay
- in spite of every effort
- invoice at cost
- inverted drilling
- inverted drillings