EN Englisch Wörterbuch 27301 bis 27350
- helping along
- helped along
- help make sth. happen
- have a look at sth.
- He is said to know this.
- have detention
- having detention
- had detention
- hunt sb.
- He invited her as an afterthought.
- hold it against sb. that ...
- have a better night's rest
- He was approaching the gate.
- have close relations to sb.
- He has fond hopes of winning.
- have a nibble
- having a nibble
- had a nibble
- He's forever making comments about my weight.
- have received nautical training
- He is next door.
- His employment history is somewhat murky.
- He must not be treated more unfavourably.
- have a tilt
- having a tilt
- had a tilt
- He tends to exaggerate.
- He lowered his head downward.
- He is at the end of his tether.
- He gets nervous when he has to speak in public.
- He is nervous of speaking in public.
- High oil prices have renewed interest in wood-burning stoves.
- hail down
- hailing down
- hailed down
- Heavy rain lashes South China.
- have a lower level of precipitation
- high-precipitation
- have higher levels of precipitation
- hoot down
- hooting down