EN Englisch Wörterbuch 25751 bis 25800
- home group
- homothetic
- homothetic function
- He acts younger than his years.
- have inaccurate data amended or deleted
- hillock-free
- high-affinity
- have an idea of sth.
- having an idea
- had an idea
- highly topical
- How are y'all doing_
- have every reason to do sth.
- hereinafter collectively referred to as 'data'
- He scored two goals all on his own.
- How, though_
- He sat watching her as she got ready.
- her much older husband
- He's back to his usual self.
- homely cooking
- holding office
- held office
- having fun
- had fun
- hit on sb.
- He shook the warmly proffered hand.
- He proffered his resignation.
- He's of another opinion.
- He was early, but then he always is.
- have, for once, something other than toast for breakfast
- He has intimated to me that he will resign if he loses the vote.
- hog the limelight
- hog the road
- hog beach spots
- hold each other
- hold one another
- He writes not from experience but just from empathy.
- He is widely acknowledged as an expert in this field.
- honor sth.
- hot start-up
- High costs have arisen.
- house repairs that crop up