EN Englisch Wörterbuch 23601 bis 23650
- hospital addiction syndrome
- hospital hopper syndrome
- hoard of coins
- harmonicas
- H.E. ammunition
- heavy-metal ammunition
- He cannot read music.
- have a charley horse
- He is a model of self-discipline.
- He was completely lacking in courage.
- hairy naevus
- hystereurynter
- hub of the world
- hub caps
- hub puller
- hub pullers
- hub axle
- hub axles
- hub bores
- hub brake
- hub brakes
- hub-dynamo
- hub-dynamos
- hub flanges
- hub gears
- hub cone
- hub shell
- hub shells
- hub disc
- hub disk
- hub discs
- hub disks
- He called me a copycat for buying the same shoes.
- Here's hoping we'll become good neighbours!
- hot pursuit
- hot pursuit effected by an aircraft
- hindcast
- He is a direct descendant of the last emperor.
- He had his surname changed from X to Y.
- He was appointed head of army intelligence.
- heat recovery section
- historical reenactment
- hesperanopia
- horsenettles
- horsenettle
- He keeps late hours.
- hours of the night