EN Englisch Wörterbuch 19901 bis 19950
- gutter stick
- galagos
- go for a song
- German Beef Carpaccio
- golden stripe butterflyfish
- Guyana butterflyfish
- Gunther's butterflyfish
- golden butterflyfish
- golden lily of the valley
- general surgery
- gallstones
- gall bladder inflammation
- glitter ball
- glitter balls
- gas chromatographic analysis
- garden croton
- grid computing
- geography cone
- gallotannin
- get sth. in the bag
- gabled dormer
- gabled dormers
- gutter brackets
- glass rooftile
- geothermal steam
- graphics primitives
- Galapagos finches
- gad flies
- generation data group
- global and local data
- graphic display terminal
- global lock
- generic data type
- given the recency of the incident
- germinal epithelium
- give sb. cover
- go on the defensive
- guard of the sword