EN Englisch Wörterbuch 47251 bis 47300
- figureskater
- free ice-skating program
- free ice-skating programme
- free skating program
- free skating programme
- floes
- frozen waste
- frozen wastes
- frozen wilderness
- festering sore
- festering boil
- focus of pus
- foci of pus
- flesh trumpet
- Folgore Division
- Florence on the Elbe
- female elephant
- flash fuze
- flash fuse
- friction electric machine
- frictional electric machine
- fairy warbler
- first-class university
- fracture of the ulna
- fractured ulna
- Found in the Street
- fetal curl
- field of emmer
- field of emmer wheat
- field of starch wheat
- filing receipt
- front desk greeter