EN Englisch Wörterbuch 43351 bis 43400
- finished fabric
- finish effect
- fish-tanks
- fish globe
- fishkeeping
- fish-tank
- find work
- fresh-air work
- fatigue detail
- fatigue dress
- flow bellows
- fly loft
- feed pressure
- flow of work
- fit to work
- fly floor
- fly gallery
- free choice of workplace
- finishing-time
- Factories Act
- fatigue uniform
- file room
- filing, storage
- function of arcus
- fraudulent concealment
- Fantastic Argoman
- field of argumentation
- free-arm sewing machine
- feed-off-the-arm sewing machine
- feed-off-the-arm machine
- fascia clock
- fitting manufacturer
- fitting spanner
- fitting wrench
- fitting pliers