EN Englisch Wörterbuch 42201 bis 42250
- filling-up
- fractional melting
- flow-lift
- floor heave
- flow by heads
- flocculations
- filling-in
- filling-ins
- forming into crystals
- formed into crystals
- fragmental discharges
- fall of rocks
- fresh condition
- flexure-slip fold
- fault surface
- fire doors
- fracture condition
- fracture conditions
- fracture zone
- fracture zones
- fault traces
- fracture cleavage
- fracture cleavages
- fault scarp
- fracture angle
- fracture angles
- fringe-finned ganoids
- ferriferous quartz
- fissure caused by frost
- fissures caused by frost
- fault trap
- fold axis
- fold mountains
- fold mountain ranges
- flank of fold
- front of a thrust
- fold structure
- fold system
- fold systems
- fishing job
- fishing instrument
- fishing tool
- fanglomerate
- fibrous gypsum
- fibrous limestone
- fibrous quartz